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I'll check out your setup if you've done any test shooting. Post a shot you took with the setup you'll be using on Wednesday plus a BTS shot of the lights and I'll work with you to tweak it if need be. Happy to look and Zoom privately or do a group Zoom to sort everyone out.


Awesome. Thanks, Peter.

I'll be in the studio on Monday and I'll set up the lights for feedback.

Still undecided for triangle or parallel, but this is what I tried yesterday the the local news came. (I know camera height is too high on this one)

The background looks blue not grey

Agreed. You might want to set your white balance in your camera to Kelvin and up it to 5200-5500 K.

Literally the first of a few shots with these lights. I ordered an attachment that will let me put the camera right light vertical. Too dark?

What kind of lights are you using?

Hi Mark, This is def better. The first try looked a wee bit uplit. It still looks a bit dark. Can you stand any closer to the lights?

Yes, I shot today and got closer. I'll post later, thanks!

Not sure on tone settings for jpeg in camera. Any other advice welcome! Using a 1DX.

Peter, thank you so much for offering to do this for us. Wife is 5'2" and I set this up in a basic triangle with enough space to accommodate others who are much taller. Had her stand on a step stool to make sure I didn't need to spend a lot of time changing the lights for height. Setup and sample image below. Comments, suggestions and critiques welcome!

Hi Sidney, I really like this idea of having the shorter people stand on a stool. Not great for a contactless session, but helps get them in front of your camera for a minute longer since you're not taking that minute to adjust the height of your lights.

These images are SOOC with a 105mm Nikkor Micro lens. ISO 320, 1/160 sec, f/4.5. Going use this or my 85mm. Set is with parallel 1x3 Flex kit. I'm about 9 feet of distance from subject to camera.

We are sending these out straight, so get the color right. Take red out. Lights closer and DROP CAMERA HEIGHT LIKE A MF'ER!

Took a BTS after I took down the backdrop but this was my set up.
I had a change of heart and think I'm going to use my Profoto B1 with a big Profoto Deep Umbrella and the eye lighter. I am more confident with this set up and I think I have much better results.

Thanks for doing this Peter!

I decided to set up the modified parallel that Pedro showed us at HSM2 using the galriest glasses on the planet (mine). Given that glare has always been a so challenging for me to reduce in camera, my thinking is that opting for a setup that keeps that to a minimum right out of the gate would be most efficient, lowest common denominator.

The only difference between what Pedro had set up and this is that his were closer so I added the bottom phil because without it (see pic 3), it just looked too dark.

I'll have to get some glasses going and try out this "Pedro Parallel"; looks kind of interesting; thanks.

I posted this initially in the group on Friday. Terry McCranie pointed out my ridiculous Magenta glow, so working on that today. Photo from on site. We have overhead lights that are affecting color cast and are connected to AC so can't turn off for the shoot. And yes, I look miserable : - ))

Not only have I never shot jpeg (working on camera settings today), but I've never delivered much that didn't have a least SOME editing. Mark's skin is that perfect middle-school skin, while mine is, well, not. If I go close for the shot, he looks great, but me not so much. I'm wondering if I should stay back a bit, take in maybe elbows up, and have mercy on people with skin like mine. Thoughts?

Hi Peter, I'll be using the triangle setup, but thinking about parallel as well. What do you think?

Here you go. I think it looks a little flat.

Here are a couple of people I shot last week. The back wall was gray but I will be using white on 10K day and the room I will be shooting in for 10K has windows, so the background will be lighter. This is a parallel setup (2 1 x 3's) but out of frame. I feel like the guy is just slightly ahead of convergence here. I will be using a longer lens than the one used here (this one is 70mm - fits in the room I was shooting in.) I don't have a pic of this setup right now. The girl is sooc, but knowing I could edit later, and the guy has just a couple of LR adjustments.

This is my basic parallel setup (not exactly the one used for shots above, because lights are still in frame here, but close.)

Shot with square lighting a year or so ago in the same room I'll be in for 10K - with a white backdrop. I have the lights to do square if that's better, but parallel is faster for quick height adjustments. This one is sooc.

Thx Peter. Decided to go with inverted V setup to hopefully avoid all glasses issues and get lights as close as possible. Using Brooklyn reflector here, bc didn't want to unpack eyelighter. SOOC @ 170mm, 1/125, 5.6, 500iso. Using Nikon Z6 w 70-200, Godox 150LEDs on 50% power. Likely will bump the wattage up to be able to increase SS.

BTS. Nikon D4 Shutter 320, F5.6, ISO 250. 85mm lens White x drop background. 3 Godox Lights are 2 feet from subject at 1/32 power. Backdrop is 6 feet from subject. Having trouble getting backdrop fabric smooth, any tricks. WB is set at 5260 Is the gray at or near 18% or close enough? My grandson Trey is helping today.

My setup and 2 test shots, one with glasses and the other without.

Note: I wasn't using the lights in the back on the backdrop...I just had them there for something else I was doing while I was doing these test shots.

Hi Peter, Thanks for helping to review our setups. I have been testing today to remove glare in-camera with my wife and myself. Here are my set up and two test images.

Back up James. You're ahead of light convergence thus the dark shadows in inside corners of eyes and in laugh lines.

Katie, thanks yes I figured it out after evaluating this issue. Backed up into the convergence and no shadows and a great illumination of the face.

My daughter posing for test shots. Standard parallel setup at our location. SOOC and BTS images. 1st (top) image is the tweaked setup.

OK...took some new ones. Parallel setup. First with eyelighter-style reflector below and second without. My background is way dark compared to others so I will move them back a tad. I think I like the first lighting better. A problem I'm seeing is some vignette-type darkness at the bottom and I cannot figure out why. Anyone?? Shooting at 1/160 Canon 70-200 **Excuse my ragged appearance.

The strips are 12x56
The reflector is 48in square
The model is 5 10
The lights are
45 degree tilt and 20 degree decline
The reflector is level with the floor and lined up directly under the lights
Back of camera is full-frame

I could be wrong but I believe your subject is to close to the backdrop.

My daughter's glasses are the ultimate challenge. They are like two fisheye lenses that amplify any lighting AROUND! My goal is great lighting that is glasses friendly.

Is there a Zoom link for the review?

Leaning toward inverted V to accommodate glare in glasses. I don't have a BTS, sorry. Shot with two 1x3 strip boxes. Will not have wrinkles in background. That'll be steamed day of event. I'm thinking I need to feather a bit less and bring the lights more frontal to fill better.

Hey Peter, upside down V setup so no adjusting when I have people with glasses. You can see this in the catch lights. This is way to orange on the jpeg. The CR2 looks much better. I did a custom white balance in camera but it doesn't seem to translate to the jpeg. I have a Canon 5D MKIII. Help! I don't want that to happen to clients! Thank you!

SOOC with BTS pic, and camera settings.

Hi Pamela, I'd love to see a picture from the viewpoint of the person being photographed. This is the setup I'm going for, but I need more fill in the face. My shots are a couple before yours in this thread. I'm thinking I need to feather a bit less and add more fill from the bottom light?

SOOC JPG and BTS. The subject has had a partial face paralysis so there is a little unintended eye squint. Thanks for any feedback! Added one more from today after setup at the mall.

Going to do parallel, which is same setup I have in studio. This is Cassandra, my always ready model.

Canon 5D4 70-200f4 at 100mm f8 1/160 iso 160 (the test shot a little underexposed)
2 AD600 strobes in 20x37 softboxes at 1/32 power

Got a live person in front of my setup

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