Using the HSC Instagram tags to track exposure/color/saturation!

So I've been attempting to get this Insta HSC show on the road with you guys. I'd love everyone to follow each other and tag @headshotcrew as well as #headshotcrew on Insta. If you'll notice in this feed we've got a ton of different photographers posting and the way insta is setup it's just a really good way to ascertain color and exposure of the work going in there. Composition becomes huge too. Take a look and compare it to your work. Make the necessary changes so you can run with the best of the best on this page and I'll be seeing you at Associate Status very soon. & tag those stories PEOPLE!!! It's the easiest thing for me to repost for you. #SHABANG!


I'm so excited to see this new focus on using Instagram better!

Great to have such useful info/coaching on using Insta, Peter! I've been using HSC hashtags but not @ tagging HSC. Will start doing that now! Also have to start with the stories. Made sure I'm following all the Crew. Following all the new guys, too - some solid work there! So awesome to have such a strong community working to get everyone's game pumped up! Thanks for this, man!

it's a motivation to use IG more often :-) I just posted Thank you!

i used to post a lot but lost motivation. now i should try again :)

Based on Peter's texts about this, I just shot my first time-lapse video of me setting up my garage studio! I did it in several separate videos, so I want to combine and edit them before I post. I've never done Instagram stories before, not ever, so this would be my first. I've also never done videos on my website or on Facebook... actually, I've never done videos before at all. This is something new for me. I appreciate being pushed out of my comfort zone!

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