2021 Headshot Crew Weightloss or Get in Overall Kick Ass shape Challenge!

Here we are again PEOPLE!

I always get fired up to get in shape this time of year. I don't believe in resolutions because I've always had them fade by the wayside, so I set concrete goals instead. I've been able to keep myself in pretty good shape and stay accountable in staying on track with it when I'm racing my Laser, but since I didn't get to race much in 2020 I let myself get a little behind the eight ball. However, I've got a new workout routine with my buddy that's got me super fired up and I'm actually stronger than I've ever been in the gym. So who's with me to get in shape in 2021?

I'll lay out my goals for you so I can keep myself accountable. I'm about 212 right now I think and will confirm that later when I get to my scale at home. I need to get down to 187 for the World Championship in September and be super fit. Plan is to get as close as possible to that by Feb 18th when I jump in the boat for the first time in Florida. In order to do so, I'm getting damn serious. Every time I stop drinking alcohol I drop weight like a rock, so I made a deal with my wife and workout buddy that I'm not drinking until my 20th Wedding Anniversary on June 8th! If I fail then my workout buddy and I have to do 500 burpees all at once until we are finished with them. Believe me I'm not failing. I'm also doing 50 reps of abs per day, 15 minutes of stretching and 15 minutes of meditation.

I put this out there to you guys, so you know how serious I am and to hold myself super accountable to get it done. From my track record I don't mess around, so should be a done deal. Benefits? I'll be in the best shape of my life since I was training for the Olympics. I won't be hung over anymore and my mornings will be much more productive.

If you are willing to jump in at whatever capacity works for you let me know. I know we've had great success with getting this crew in shape every year I do it. So whether you want to drop lbs or just be healthier or whatever it is for you just jump in on this with me and our other crew members!

I'm gonna SHABANG the crap outta it!



Thanks, James! With so much going on, and my time being dedicated to many different areas, I admit even that has been challenging. However, I made a commitment, and am going for it full force! I think, however, you won't find me riding a bike in the freezing cold, like some other iron-men! :)

Looking Great Peter. I've lost 90lbs since last November 2019 and continuing with my life change. You inspire, Keep up the awesome work. I'm about to do another portfolio headshot of myself because the one I have up is when I was heavier.

Wow, way to go, James! 90 lbs is a huge accomplishment. Bet you feel at least 10 years younger!

Just figured I'd drop an update on my journey:
While it's taken a bit of time, 3 days per week in the gym getting my ass kicked by my trainer, intermittent fasting, and 125oz of water each day, I am proud to say that I am officially 2 pounds less than I was before lockdown.

To put that in context, at my heaviest, I was 245 pounds.

At Headshot Mania 2, I was 207 pounds. During lockdown, I added some weight...up to 217 pounds.

As of yesterday, I weighed in at 205 pounds.

While I am 5 pounds away from my goal, I am thrilled to have made this kind of progress, especially knowing that muscle weights more than fat, and I'm definitely stronger than I was last year.

However, it's also worth noting that the numbers on the scale are great and wonderful, but are not the end all be all. My clothes are getting a bit too big for me, the distribution of weight is evening out across my body, my BMI is going down, my visceral fat levels are decreasing...yadda yadda yadda.

All of that being said, I have my eyes set on the target, and I'm not letting up until I get there!

How are you guys progressing with your goals?

That’s awesome. What a good feet

A little over a month ago I noticed my runs were incrementally faster and then I'd have off days here and there...but I was getting bored running the same two miles and change and I kept feeling like I could go much longer.

So I switched it up and started a half marathon training program, my regular two mile runs were out the window and I built in breaks to let my body build endurance.

My previous peak was running a pretty quick (for me)5k (3.1 miles) in just under half an hour.

Now my long runs on the weekend currently top out at 7 miles in 90 minues. At the beginning of the year I figured *maybe* I'd push myself by doing a 10k when fun ones pop up in the future,and now I'm doing one every Saturday morning and they're getting longer.

And I'm feeling stronger faster better every time I lace up.

Good time! Are you supplementing?

Nope! Just a balanced diet and plenty of water :)

I'm more for building my strength than weight loss (though I need that too). I am recovering from back and hip injury so my goal for this summer is just to get strong again. I've been taking zoom pilates classes which has been the most amazing fitness routine I have ever done. If I had know about this years ago when I was running, I would have saved so many injuries. In just two months I am feeling so much stronger. Hope to keep it going. Once I am able to move pain free I know the weight loss will follow.

Well, I haven't done great with the weight loss so far. I've lost ten pounds or so, but back-slid and gained most of them back. But I have been more successful with establishing a new regime to get me out of my inactivity. I'm now walking 4- days a week, 3 - 6 miles a walk. My route has some pretty good hills, and I'm a fast walker, so it's a good workout. I'm aiming for 5 miles, but sometime do closer to 6. Sometimes I can only fit in a shorter walk of 3.5 or so. I listen to audio books or podcasts, so it's pretty enjoyable. I'm starting to add in upper body weight training. I'm aiming to get more consistent about my eating, which will be easier as I'm able to get out more once I'm on the far side of the vaccine. And once Passover is over! Matzo brittle, jelly rings, and matzo-and-butter is practically mandatory!

Good white space time! Good for you

I might as well toss an update in too.
Went to the gym yesterday for body measurements. Finally got below 200lb and continuing the body fat loss as well as gaining some muscle! I'm going to increase cardio this month and continue shooting for lower body fat and muscle retention.
My current routine is 6 days of lifting weights and I toss in a day or two of cardio (1-2mile jogs) and lots of dog walks.
I'll most likely be adding an hour or two worth of bike rides per week too!
Keep it up CREW!

Impressive seeing you guys rockin this! I hit 189, only 2 lbs away from my goal weight. However, it was covid related! Lost 9 lbs in a week when I had it. Gained it right back afterwards. So I'm still going for it and hitting those regatta goals. 197 this morning. Time to get serious again! Glad you guys are updating us on this!!!

Racing you to the goal, Peter. 212 when this thing started. 196.8 this morning. Gunning for 192 before the workshop in May, so that when I turn sideways, no one can see me.

I just stay in shape! This year I'm upping it though as I'm learning to surf! I want to get in that ocean and feel that cold. As soon as I'm a successful Headshot Crew photographer I may just get a sauna.

As I promised to James Van Hees last year to make a house remix for the Head shot Crew and me procrastinating I finally pushed myself to finish a house remix for people who like to workout or I sometimes play in the background to do Head-shots. I hope you enjoy it link here:


I ran a freaking half marathon today! And I don't feel like death afterwards!

It was never about weight for me, but I'm at my college weight and feeling stronger and more fit than I ever have.

Nice! Be sure to hydrate well with carb filled beverages to aid in recovery!

Nice work! Lots of prep and you did it!

Hope everyone is still working hard!
I was randomly inspired to start 75Hard a little over a month ago and it's definitely NOT 75EASY, that's for sure, but it's all about starting good habits and becoming better! [ https://andyfrisella.com/pages/75hard-info ]
So, after a month of this, I decided to go do another body scan today
Broke the 20lb mark for the year! :)

Just got my blood results back and my cholesterol is down from a staggering 214 to 164! :D
that's the lowest it's been since I started annual blood work (2013)
Seriously super pumped!! This group, 1st phorm, 75hard, and just pushing has definitely helped!

I'm in. My goal is to lose 20 lbs and fit into some party dresses that have not seen the light of day in a few years. Most important for me is to stay strong and healthy as I age. I have been Citibiking 70 mins most days to/from home/studio, but that has not made much of a difference to the scale. So, I'll try some of these ideas. I've got a teenage daughter so also want to be mindful of modeling good habits for her (rather than doing any restrictive diet plan.)

I’m in. A few years ago I almost died from going into a Thyroid Storm...ended up in the hospital for a few weeks. My body withered down to skin and bones. Ever since then I’ve been afraid of losing weight of fear that I would end up in the same position. Then it got out of control. I’ve been on medication and finally a few months ago the doctor said I was in remission from Graves’ disease. No more pills! So this was probably the sign that I needed.

I just read a book called the “Energy Factor” by Dr. Shawn Wells. Check it out. His story is sumitro yours in some ways.

I am just happy to finally be in Ketosis as a 58 year old female. Finally. I finally made the decision and have been watching my macros. Eating a lot of avocados and fasting. Quit drinking alcohol and no net carbs! Only Whole Foods. I feel great finally! Lost 1 lb and have 14 more to go. To be honest I am more thrilled with the energy and mental clarity! Need to be more consistent with workouts. Tend to slow down when I get busy.

I’m going to throw in a controversial item that has helped me… and want to emphasize it needs to be used with caution. Waist trainers. It helps with shaping, with awareness, and with limiting overeating. For it to work, it needs to be used everyday but just a few hours. Never more than 8 hours s day. Never during sleep. And make sure you do your abs and back muscles exercises. If you break those rules, your abs and back muscles get lazy pretty fast. But if done properly, I swear it’s a game changer.

Very inspired by everyone's stories! I am late to the game, but about 5 weeks ago I finally had enough. I was never in terrible shape I guess, but I didn't exercise and I would eat very late every night. The tipping point was when I put on the last shirt I could fit into and it was too tight for me to sit down in! Haha I decided that I needed to do something.

So I fasted for 1 full day, because I had felt for a while like I needed to do that, followed by intermittent fasting every day, cut diary, carbs, and sugar, and started running 2 miles a day. I had attempted this stuff before but it never stuck and I think the difference this time is that I made the decision in my mind FIRST, and saw myself doing it and knew I was capable of it.

Fast forward, I lost 15 pounds, and I am fitting into clothes I haven't worn for 3 years. I'm running every day (2-3 miles), doing crunches and pushups, and fast from 6pm - 12pm the next day. Not only do I feel GREAT, but it's having an effect on my business in a positive way too, since I am more confident in the way look, and in general more confident. It spills over into my photo shoots and the energy of my sessions.

I have a cheat day each week so I look forward to that and it actually inspires me to work harder during the week.

Anyway, add this to the list of how many ways this awesome crew has changed my life.

Keep pushing! 2 more months left in the year.
I'm super pumped, finally pushed to less than 20% BF and gained muscle mass.

I've cut almost 2 minutes off my 5k time and a solid 30 (sometimes 50!) off my average mile time! Concentrating on a healthy warmup and a strong finish combined with shorter faster runs have brought a bit of that speed I had when I was a kid back!

Nice Rich Soublet ! I went for a run a few days for the first time in a long time, kept a 9 minute mile across 2 miles, i'll take it!
You'll be ready for that 26 miler in no time!

Right on! I actually crept in at 8:45 for two miles last week! Motivated because the lady can hold an 8 minute pace over 3 miles!

26! WOOF. She's saying she's gonna do it so I may have to step up too.

Geez she's moving, when i get to a 7minute pace at the beginning, I feel good for about 100', then think that people are crazy to hold that for a marathon

Yeah it's wild. I can comfortably hold 8 for a mile at this point but that's about it.

These past few months I have been busting my ass...I am down 34 Pounds!!! I still have 46 pounds I want to lose but its more about the way I feel. I have been feeling pretty amazing. More energized, focused and overall motivated. My positive attitude from being healthier has been melting into my headshot business which is great. My goal is just to live a different lifestyle. Im not doing any crazy fad diets. Just making healthier choices. Going to the gym 5 days a week at 5 am also helps. I looked in the mirror one day and just hated who I saw as a person so I'm finally taking control. I fall off and slip up sometimes but I pick myself back up. I hope you are all doing well and reaching your goals!!

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