We just wrapped a super fun shoot with Jadine who is returning client that we last shot in 2019. She was wonderful to shoot and we grabbed this one at the very end of the session when I found this shirt at the bottom of her wardrobe bag and I love how its texture milks into the background. I did give this headshot a tiny bit more room at the bottom of frame to enjoy those textures which I think balances nicely given the compliment in the luminescence of her skin. Our MUA gave a wonderful pop of colour to her lips and I love how it immediately gave her skin a beautiful translucent glow and compliments the overall contrast of the shot.

SETUP: Triangle Flex Kit caught on a Sony a7rii through GMaster 85mm glass. at f.14
POST: Primaries in CaptureOne, secondaries and a little finesse in Photoshop.

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